Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mormon Truth Podcast #12-Interview With Living Truth's Eric-Part 1

MP3 File

This is part 1 of 2, of the interview that I just had with Eric, from the Living Truth Podcast and Mormon Deception blog. He asked some great questions regarding why I left the Church, how I discovered it was a fraud and what the process of discovery was like for me. I also shared my view on the "early cult indoctrination program" of the Mormon cult, that is alive and well, just as it was when I was a kid growing up Mormon.

We also talked about my mission and some of the experiences that I had, along with some of the abuses I suffered, along with some of the rules of my super-repressive and abusive mission Presidents. We also touched on the lack of separation between Church and state here in Utah and how it doesn't exist.

I discuss the incredible guilt that is heaped on missionaries for not baptizing enough people and how awfully they are treated, as "self-paid volunteers", with no personal freedom. It is a disgrace!! We also discussed that "LOGIC" or "INDEPENDENT THINKING", is not really allowed or tolerated in the Mormon cult. Thanks Eric for the great questions!!

I just want to give a big shout out to Eric, for all the good that he is doing and for being a partner in this fight for truth and exposure of the Mormon cult and their fraud!! He was never a Mormon, but still feels the need to expose this organization for what it is; a mind destroying, destructive cult!! We both want to help as many people as possible and spread the truth. Keep up the great work Eric and everybody, go check out his sites!!

I'll post part 2 later tonight, or you can go catch it on Eric's site, since he already has it posted. Take care everyone and thanks so much for listening and for your support.

Samuel the Utahnite

Monday, March 27, 2006

Mormon Truth Podcast #11-Famous Mormons In The Media #1- Mormon Shawn King's recent Interview On The Howard Stern Show And My Comments!!

MP3 File

Before allowing everyone to listen to this, and publishing this on iTunes, I had to make sure that I wasn't violating any copyright laws and now I know that I'm not, based on the "fair use" provisions in the Copyright Law of the United States of America, Title 17, section 117. I originally created this on January 27th but retracted it until I was able to research whether I could publish it or not.

It(Title 17, section 117) states, "Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use38

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Another great reference for an explanation of what is "Fair Use" is located here.

It states the following: "Criticism, comment, news reporting, research, scholarship and non-profit educational uses are most likely to be judged fair uses." Also, "As a general rule, if you are using a small portion of somebody else's work in a non-competitive way and the purpose for your use is to benefit the public, you're on pretty safe ground."

A few of you have already heard this podcast but for those that haven't, I think that you'll find it very interesting and educational, how a TBM acts on the Howard Stern show. I think that this podcast is incredibly important to show the world the double standard that exists in the higher circles of Mormonism. It is very educational in that regard!!

(I originally wrote this post and recorded this podcast, back in January, after I had been out of town dealing with some personal family matters.)

Well guys, I really apologize for all the time in between my podcasts. For those that have followed me and my Mormon Truth blog and podcast, you know that I had a
death in the family, followed up by some severe family problems that needed to be dealt with, which they were. I appreciate your patience and hopefully, things will now begin to run much smoother, as I had anticipated.

I had actually started a podcast and was about half way done with it, when I got the phone call and 4 hours later, I was on the road. Anyway, I was about to finish that podcast about 10 days ago, and well, the Mormon God cursed me with this flu/cold that's going around. First I pretty much lost my voice and then my voice came back but the loss of voice, was conveniently replaced with a killer, anyway, here I am, feeling the need to provide you guys with some entertainment and express myself on many topics, but not able to stop coughing.

Actually, of all the 50 states in the USA, Utah has the worst epidemic outbreak of the flu. Damn Mormons!! So much for the Mormon God, giving special care and attention to his beloved people, right? Aren't their holy garments supposed to protect them from harm? Maybe it's because the percentage of Mormons to Non-Mormons, has dropped to about 60%, so God got pissed and cursed the state of Utah? It's a wake up call for Utah Mormons to drag their ass out onto the street and to their neighbors, to start converting people!! It's God's call to arms!!

So, you see, I did get sick because of them, but they would say that it was due to my Satanic behavior, because I'm fighting against God's word and Satan has overtaken me, in fact, I now work for him as several have stated to me. Yeah, yeah, that's it, so yes, I was cursed by the Mormon God. Actually, I just went to the new car Show 2 weeks ago and within 2 days, I was sicker than dog.

I figured if there was a massive flu epidemic in Utah, the best thing to do, would be to go to a place where thousands of sick people are walking around (in a closed environment, where the air is recirculating), coughing, sneezing, blowing their noses, not washing their hands, and then touch everything that their touching and breath their air...LOL!! Well, it worked like a freaking charm!! LOL!!

Anyway, my coughing is finally starting to slow down, as I cough out the demons, one by one and I've almost gotten rid of all of them. I can currently talk for a few minutes without coughing, but not for 60 minutes plus. Maybe tomorrow or the next day, I'll be able to finish that podcast that is already half done. In the meantime, I've come up with something that you guys should love and have a fun time listening to.

Now, as some of you may have heard and many of you probably haven't, Shawn King, the wife of CNN Anchor Larry King, Who is a die-hard TBM (at least says she is) made an appearance on the Howard Stern show. All I can say is......Ha Ha Ha and WOW!! I can't imagine how, or why a die-hard, temple recommend holding, garment wearing, temple going, TBM, would ever want to appear on the Howard Stern show? I mean come on, why would you want to open yourself up to such much ridicule, mocking and crude humor that is so easily created, just by scratching the surface of Mormonism?

Of course, this hasn't stopped Donny Osmond(January 1998 and June 1999) or Ricky Schroder (March 2005) from going on the show either. Ricky Schroder was grilled on his "magic garments" just like Shawn King was on this Show. By the way, Ricky Schroder was awesome, handled it very well, and even showed Howard his garments at one point. I'm not so sure that he's a real die-hard and may be doing it more for his TBM wife than anything, just my impression. Howard Stern said "if he didn't have to give up cursing and drinking he'd think of converting just for the underwear." LOL!!

Also, Howard grilled him about whether it was his wife that forced him to quit NYPD Blue, due to the kissing and love scenes. He of course said no, no, but come on, I think we can figure that one out. Like you can go to the temple on Monday and then Tuesday, be laying 95% naked, in a bed, with a hot chick, making out, turned on and your TBM wife is watching? Yeah, I'm sure she had nothing to do with it...LOL!!

Howard asked Donny Osmond why his wife doesn't give him oral sex. In January of last year, Howard Stern went to a cocktail party and Donny Osmond was there too.Howard says that he was really nice to him. Howard said "we (at the show) had been under the impression that Osmond was mad at us because during his last visit, Howard asked him why his wife doesn't give him oral sex. Donny said he wasn't mad at all and wants to come on the show again."

So, again, even after being asked that personal of a question, especially for a self-claimed, temple worthy TBM, Donny Osmond wants to go back and do it again. Why is the question? Well, love him or hate him, Howard Stern is huge has millions of fans listening in every day and these stars, Mormon or not, simply see it as a great opportunity to get exposure and get people thinking about them, etc.

But, with that being said, I'm not sure how these garment wearing, temple going, temple recommend holding Mormons, can justify going on a show that Mormon Hierarchy and doctrine (that they supposedly believe and support with all of their heart and soul) would condemn and consider filthy, dirty, offensive, lewd, and immoral.

So, whatever the reason that Shawn King felt the need to go on Howard Stern a couple of weeks ago, I'm sure glad as hell that she did, because it provided some great entertainment, laughs and the majority of the material for this podcast and this post. It also helps remind us all of the hypocrisy that exists in the Mormon Church, especially at the higher, richer levels.

I believe that hypocrisy, the "do as I say, not as I do" attitude, is carried over and learned from the top hierarchy to the famous Mormon celebrities. They feel as if it is their right of entitlement. In other words, they pay enough tithing to pretty much be able to do whatever the hell they want without any repercussions. In a sense, they are just paying them off to turn a blind eye.

It's no different then the Church strongly condemning alcohol consumption, but then allowing it to then be served in their malls(right across from temple square) while also being invested in it and profiting from it's sales. If they were to EX Donny Osmond or Ricky Schroder, they'd be losing a lot of tithing money, that's for sure and money is always the bottom line with the Mormon Church.

Now, on the other hand, If any normal member went on the Howard Stern show and laughed about the "magic garments", talked about their sex life, laughed at their crude jokes and then joked that they might indeed one day have sex with the host, well, can you say "EXCOMMUNICATION?!!" Bam, punishment would be swift, public and powerful and everyone would know it.

They would try to make an example out of you to scare the other Saints, kind of like Brigham Young did with the Blood Atonement. Sure, you can leave the Church or Utah but you'll get your throat slit, but oh yeah, he didn't do it; they just ended up dead, throats slit, stabbed 50 times, and on display, just by chance. Must have just been bad luck that day for them, right?

***Warning*** Now, I'm warning any of you out there, that are sensitive to sexual innuendo or sexual talk, because this clip with Shawn King and Howard Stern, is full of sex talk and innuendo and potty humor. If you don't find this kind of stuff funny or you think it is offensive, then PLEASE, DON'T LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST or you will be offended!! I promise!!

Like my post on Ghoulslime that I did, on Mormon Truth, I do not intend to offend anyone, just share interesting tidbits and info with you all on the Mormon world and the happenings therein. Things like this help to give us a better idea of the big picture that reaches into the rich and famous Mormons who rub elbows with the hierarchy.

Now, also keep in mind that his show is now on Satellite radio and is not edited and has no obscenity guidelines to go by and anything goes. I do think however, considering that it's Howard Stern, that he was pretty well behaved and clean for this interview. No F bombs or anything, just the sexual stuff. He was respectful in that regard at least. Trust me, he could have been much worse!!

Now, with all of that being said, I guess that if Shawn King (TBM, temple recommend holder, loved by Mormon Hierarchy) can go on Howard Stern and be interviewed, then us EXMOS, should be able to listen to it, right? It's not like we'll have to go confess to our Bishop or anything...LOL!! Also, other TBMS can't say how awful I am for putting it out there or how bad you guys are for listening, when the star of the show is one of them. She's one of their stars and her Son just got married in the temple and she was there for the wedding.

In fact, TBMS should be able to listen to it too, without losing their recommends or having to confess to their Bishop and I hope they will. I think we'll have quite an audience for this one from both sides of the fence. Feel free guys to let everyone know, TBMS included.

Now, I Don't think that for a second, the Mormon Hierarchy, didn't hear from someone, somewhere, that she had gone on Howard Stern. Do you think they would call her in or discipline her? Not a chance in hell!!

One other funny note, is that Shawn's Dad is her manager, publicist and Howard's producers said that he was in the green room, listening, watching the show and going berserk!! They said he was pacing around and furious. Howard Stern said that he thought he'd better go out the back door, so that her Dad wouldn't "kick his ass", when he left...LOL!! Then she said that her Dad is 6'2, still works out and Howard said, "shit, he'll beat the hell out of me, I'm outta her." LOL!!

Yeah, I'm sure her TBM Dad, loved the "magic garment talk." If he's her manager, doesn't want his beloved Church, Daughter and "magic garments", to be ridiculed and mocked, for millions to hear, then what the hell is he doing booking her on the Howard Stern show? What a dumb ass!! Why would her Dad even go and subject himself to listening, then getting infuriated, when he knew in advance what was going to happen?

I'm sure he was asking himself the same question as he paced around the green room in a rage listening to question after question, about her "magic(lucky) garments." The reality is, that Shawn King probably does whatever the hell she wants and she wanted to pump up her new country music album, so there you go, the truth comes out. The price of fame eh, even for a TBM? Her sales must not have been too brisk. Hopefully it was worth it for her and her Family.

Enjoy guys!! I look forward to your comments and feedback and hopefully this will make up for my long absence and give you guys some good laughs at the same time.

Samuel the Utahnite

Monday, March 13, 2006

Mormon Truth Podcast #10-Is Mormonism a cult?!!-Part 2

MP3 File

This is a continuation of the last podcast and part 2 of "is Mormonism a cult?" In part 1, I discussed the first 7 of 15 items on the "cult checklist." Those that have already listened to part 1, know that we went 7-7 and so far, everything is checking out 100%, that Mormonism is indeed a cult, without a doubt. I shared many examples and I will share many more in this 2nd part of the podcast, covering items 8-15 on the "cult checklist."

I also will include several clips from the pre-1990 temple ceremony, which will include the penalties that went along with it, which I sadly agreed to obey out of fear and lifelong brainwashing. It is sick and twisted stuff and I can't believe that I agreed to give up my own life before revealing "the secrets."

If, after part 1, you still have doubts that Mormonism is a cult, this 2nd part, should be able to easily erase that doubt and convince you that Mormonism is definitely a cult. I also share a clip of Spencer W. Kimball, one from Hinckley and we'll even get to hear from Adam(God) himself, in a guest appearance, exhorting us to obey these men called Prophets, Seers, Revelators and Apostles.

So, here's the bottom line; if you liked part 1, you are gonna love part 2. For those that would like to dispute the facts that I've presented, that Mormonism is a huge cult; I look forward to your comments and Emails. I will be fascinated to see how you explain away all of these obvious facts. Then again, it's probably just all a coincidence, that you can go through a cult checklist and check them off one by one, right?

Additional Links:

Financial post on what they are invested in and what you can donate, with links.

Better off dead post

Post on tithing, with all that I quoted in the podcast, from Hinckley, Faust, Tingey, Robbins, etc, plus links to those talks, so that you can read them for yourself and verify that what I'm saying is the truth. The Faust comment on the gold fillings, is in the archives of the Church news.

I have written many posts on tithing, you can just go to my main blog and type in tithing in the search above and it will pull them all up. Or, you can just click here.

If I left out a link that you want or need, just let me know. I covered a lot of material in these last 2 podcasts and I may have accidentally left one out.

I also wanted to mention that the problems I've been having with my host, Ourmedia, limits my file sizes to under 25MB and so in order to fit in the 93 minute podcast, I had to decrease the sound quality. I hope that it is still okay and at least listenable, but I apologize for any distortion that came from having to do that.

I'm trying really hard to keep my podcasts at an hour, so that I don't have to decrease their sound quality, but I just had too much to cover on this one and I didn't want to go into a part 3.

Thanks everyone for listening, I hope that you enjoyed it and I look forward to your comments.

Samuel the Utahnite

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mormon Truth Podcast #9-Is Mormonism A Cult?!!-Part 1

MP3 File

In this podcast, I go through the cult checklist to once and for all, decide if Mormonism is a cult or not. I'm using the list from the ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association). Here is a quote from the website of the ICSA:

"The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is an interdisciplinary network of academicians, professionals, former group members, and families who study and educate the public about social-psychological influence and control, authoritarianism, and zealotry in cultic groups, alternative movements, and other environments. Founded in 1979 as AFF (American Family Foundation), ICSA took on its current name in late 2004 to better reflect the organization's focus and increasingly international and scholarly dimensions."

The list that I'm using is entitled "Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups" and was written and created by Janja Lalich, Ph.D. & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. I'm sure that Mormons will find a way to discredit this website, this list and these people because Mormonism and the Mormon Church just couldn't possibly really be a cult, right? In fact, most members, as I once did, find it extremely offensive to be labeled as a cult and/or cult member.

On the ICSA website, it is also states that:

"ICSA does NOT maintain a list of "bad" groups or "cults." We nonjudgmentally list groups on which we have information.

Groups listed, described, or referred to on ICSA's Web sites may be mainstream or nonmainstream, controversial or noncontroversial, religious or nonreligious, cult or not cult, harmful or benign.

We encourage inquirers to consider a variety of opinions, negative and positive, so that inquirers can make independent and informed judgments pertinent to their particular concerns."

So, with that being said, this group is not "out-to-get" the Mormons or "persecute" them as Mormons seem to love as it just further proves that the Church is true is some twisted, jacked up cognitive dissonance. I encourage everyone to listen to this podcast and decide for yourselves, "is Mormonism a cult?"

Other recommended reading for everyone, regarding cults and whether Mormonism fits into that category, would be "why bad beliefs don't die." I also strongly recommend reading "Warning signs of a destructive cult" and also an opinion by Tal Bachman regarding the Mormon cult and the affects that it has on a person and the reasons why he knows that the Mormon Church is a cult.

Additional links from Podcast for more personal reading and research:

Direct link to "Praise to the Man Lyrics and music

Post including temple recommend question #6 and a picture of what a temple recommend looks like.

Famous Mormon Prophet's/Apostle's Quotes, including the Joseph Smith's entire "I'm greater than Jesus quote" and "I've never been a polygamist or adulterer quote."

Webster's Dictionary definition and synonyms of the word "PRAISE."

Listing of all of the things that the Mormon Cult will accept as donations, including other great info on what they are invested in.

Temple ceremony audio links.

Temple ceremony homepage, with links to audio, complete transcripts and comparisons between the 1984 and 199o ceremonies.

Audio to the Spencer W. Kimball talk on Love VS. Lust

Samuel the Utahnite

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